Why choose Media for A-Levels?
-For 16 years we've been manipulated by the world
-What is seen as "normal"?
-Why do we admire the celebrity lifestyle?
A clip from the TV show "Pimeval"
What is significant about how men and women are represented?
What roles and behaviours are presented?
Are there any hidden meanings?
Analysis = give significance or meaning
Context = relationship with others
-Guns are a symbolism of power
-When the farmer was standing over the woman, he physically and stereotypically had more dominance
-The digger is used by the woman, breaking the stereotype
-The gender roles were switched in the first two scenes
-The digger represents masculinity
-How has the camera placed the characters? Is there any reason for their positioning?
Do TV shows challenge stereotypes?
There isn't ever one specific meaning to something. Open to interpretation
1) What social groups could you be asked to write about?
2) What are four technical areas that you'll have to write about?
3) What are the four steps for framework analysis?
Connection with authority = who is insignificant and who is superior? Does it link to gender?
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