Thursday, 3 October 2013

Class notes - Thursday 12th September

Challenging Stereotypes

1) What do you notice about gender stereotypes?
2) Does this reinforce or challenge stereotypes?
3) Why is this being shown?

"Mad Men - Women in the Workplace" clip analysis
-The women in the video clip are being discriminated against; the narrator of the video clip infers that women are simple-minded and unfit to be in the work place. In this extract, women are portrayed as sexual objects who are there to be "looked at" by the men - this enforces the female stereotype and the idea of the Male Gaze. Almost all the women in this extract fit the female stereotype of being simple-minded, exposed, available to be looked at and in the mind-set of servitude.

-Due to the fashion choices, colours, camera quality and location suggests that this video clip is set in the 1950s era where women had very few rights and were seen as lesser than men. They appear to be subjected to the position of servitude which was the social norm at the time. The women in this clip are represented as intellectually inferior. However, the men shown in this extract are presented as powerful, concealed, in control, in position of hard-work/management and there to look at the women.

Four Steps in analyzing gender in Media Studies
Step 1: Look for significance of gender (masculine/feminine) in character roles, their behavior and they story/situation
Step 2: Relationship of power (who is subordinate? who is dominant? How does this tie in with gender?
Step 3: Difference - how are they represented as opposites?
Step 4: Is this re-inforcing or challenging stereotypes? Are they acting how we would expect this group to act?

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